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The Quest to Find the Perfect Aternoon Tea

As self-proclaimed cake connoisseurs and frequent bakers we have made a new year’s resolution to, instead of reducing our cake intake, find the perfect place to have afternoon tea. Afternoon tea can often come with a hefty price tag and a requirement to travel into the centre of London to sample the highest quality of sandwiches and pastries so we also decided to add some caveats to our search, to make a fair comparison and avoid going bankrupt over the pursuit of good cake. In an attempt to also avoid having a heart attack we will only be going once a month, choosing a different venue each  time in reasonable proximity to our homes in Kent . As well as reviewing them all on this blog to help other afternoon tea appreciators from enduring the disappointment of a less than perfect afternoon tea. Our Rules Price: less than £20 per person Distance: within 30 minutes driving

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